Friday, November 22, 2019

Beware of the 100% fair fight! Blockchain Voting Solutions are on the way!

Elections and voting system emblematizes the freedom, democracy, hopes, a changeover and responsibilities of a citizen all as a whole! We are in demand to trust politicians, electoral systems, and the entire backend team who is deciding the future of the country for the next generation blindly. But, the real fact is the whole system happens behind, and there is no transparent system for the voting process even in developed countries.

Before entering into blockchain voting platform development for your country, you must know the splendid features it can revamp in the existing electoral system.

Here’s what blockchain technology is all about!

Blockchain-Is it as simple as public land ledger?

Blockchain is the distributed ledger technology that consists of data blocks that are cryptographically sealed. The chain of data blocks is stored in chronological order after the verification process by the nodes of the blockchain network. All the participants of the blockchain network work with a consensus mechanism that drives the community with appropriate decisions.

Paradigm features of blockchain tech that can be beneficial to the electoral system!

     Immutable votes stamped by citizens,
     Decentralized network,
     Transparent network,
     Trustless system,
     Cryptographically secure data,
     Smart contracts,
     Peer-to-peer voting lines,
     No single point of failure,
     Accuracy of votes,
     Only verified ballots are considered.

Sure, this bundle of features would attract the citizens who are striving for a better world of democracy. Let me snipe you the top 3 benefits of the blockchain-based voting system!

Reaps of blockchain voting solutions

Fair Fight of leadership

The blockchain-enabled electoral process helps the participants to cast their verified votes from any part of the world. Instead of standing in long queues, oversea travels, fraudulent votes, people can easily submit their ballot votes at fingertips using blockchain. If there are 100% verified votes stamped for the democratic electoral process with real-time results, that’s the day when blockchain voting solutions are implemented!

Strictly verified votes

Once the registered participants of the country cast the votes, it is not directly taken into account. The nodes of the blockchain network, for instance, authoritative electoral officials verify the votes and then add them as the data block. This can pave the way for your original votes! One citizen, one vote! It’s in the near future of the blockchain era.

Rigid, immutable votes & results

As the blockchain tech itself is built with immutability, votes stamped also becomes irreversible. The whole transaction happens to be in P2P and hence no middle men counting or verifying the votes. With the complete immutability, results and votes of the electoral system are irreversible.
No other recounting because of threats by opponent parties!

Final stamps on blockchain in voting!

Trust has now become trustless!

You need not trust any of the backends team processing your votes in the electoral system that decides your country’s leadership anymore. With blockchain, the electoral system becomes transparent, immutable, secure, and trustless.

Let’s have a latte talk for the betterment of the democratic world!

Monday, November 18, 2019

How Can Blockchain Transform Our Voting System?

Blockchain for voting is a budding idea that can eliminate issues in the current voting method and aid in establishing a fraud-free voting system.

Without hesitation, one can assure blockchain is an unrivaled technology. Blockchain proved its efficiency in the most popular cryptocurrency, Bitcoin. Bitcoin started to dominate fiat currencies in recent years, and because of that, the technology behind its development also began to achieve greater heights. Developers from across the globe derived the impact that blockchain technology could create and are racing to develop new blockchain use cases.

Adoption Of Blockchain Technology
People who understand the aspects of blockchain technology are describing that the tech’s fundamental value lies in its ability to enhance existing systems. Blockchain voting companies and business owners saw the real potential of the blockchain technology from square one since Bitcoin proved a more secure and transparent payment system - for payment processing and banking solution than the traditional ones. One of the dynamic areas where blockchain can prove its integrity is Digital Voting.

Difficulties with the Current Voting System
Through different voting measures were adopted, the current systems are widely stuck in the last century. People who wanna vote must come out of their homes & cast their votes in a local center. Many ideas were put forth to make the voting process digital. But due to a large number of gaps in terms of security, it seems difficult to add trust in the results.

All kinds of data transmission, including financial transactions, work with blockchain. Blockchain-based infrastructure is capable of replacing the current voting system with an effective one.

Blockchain Voting System Is Really A Boon!
Looking at its raw form, we can surely say that blockchain is a digital distributed ledger. The technology derives its potentiality from the nodes on the network to verify, audit, and record all kinds of transactions across the predefined system. The ledger is not actually stored but rather is available on a chain reinforced by millions of nodes at the same time. Blockchain’s transaction database can’t be corrupted or hacked and each record can be verified quickly with ease, thanks to the concepts of decentralization and encryption.

Blockchain can solve lots and lots of problems discovered in online voting recently. A blockchain-based voting application does not rely on the internet's security measures, because hackers with open access to the portal cannot affect other nodes. Voters will be able to submit their vote effectively without exhibiting their personal identity or political preferences. After that, officials can count the number of votes with absolute certainty, knowing that each identity represents only one vote, no fake IDs can be created, and also tampering is impossible.